backup vm

Creates a backup of specified disks and volumes of the specified virtual machines. If neither --disk nor --volume parameter is specified, the command backs up the entire machine.



Access to a virtual machine

{--vmid=<virtual machine IDs>|--vmname=<virtual machine names>|--vmconfig=<paths>}

You can specify one or more virtual machines to be backed up.


Number of virtual machines to be backed up simultaneously by Agent for ESX(i) or Agent for Hyper-V. If not specified, each agent will back up virtual machines two at a time simultaneously. To back up machines one at a time, set the parameter value to 1.

What to back up

--disk=<disk numbers>
--volume=<volume numbers>

Where to save the backup

--credentials=<user name>,<password>,encrypted
--arc=<archive name>

How to back up


Backup options

--retry_count=<number of attempts>

Tape management options


General parameters

--log=<full path>
{-f|--file_params}=<full local path>

Access to a remote physical machine

--host=<IP address or hostname>
--credentials=<user name>,<password>,encrypted

Access to a specific service within a machine (advanced editions only)
