Error handling

--retry_count=<number of attempts>

These parameters are used with the backup and recovery commands only.

When a recoverable error occurs, the software re-attempts to perform the unsuccessful operation. You can set the number of attempts and the time interval between attempts. The attempts will be stopped as soon as the operation succeeds OR the specified number of attempts is performed, depending on which comes first.

You need to specify both parameters. The --retry_delay parameter must directly follow the --retry_count parameter.

Example: --retry_count=10 --retry_delay=20s

If the parameters are not specified, the number of attempts is 5 and the time interval between attempts is 30 seconds (as if you typed --retry_count=5 --retry_delay=30s). To completely disable re-attempts, specify --retry_count=0.

The interval may be set in seconds (s, by default), minutes (m) or hours (h).
