
--arc=<archive name>

Name of the archive. Parameter values are case-sensitive.

The parameters that provide access to an archive must be specified in the following order: --loc, --credentials (if required to access the location), --arc, --password (if the archive is or will be password-protected).

--loc=\\bkpsrv\backups --credentials=bkpuser,pass --arc=disk_archive --password=123

Restrictions on archive names

Using variables in archive names

When you back up more than one machine with a single backup command, data from all of the machines is saved to the same location. Each machine backs up to a separate archive. Archive names must be unique within the location. Otherwise, the backup operation will fail.

Add variables to the archive names to make them unique within the location. For the backup vm command, the archive name must contain the [Virtualization Server Type] and [Virtual Machine Name] variables. For other backup commands, use the [MachineName] variable.

You can also use these variables when backing up a single machine if this is practical or efficient for you.

--arc="[Virtualization Server Type]_[Virtual Machine Name]_archive1" – for the backup vm command
--arc=[MachineName]_archive1 – for the backup disk and backup file commands

Specifying archives by backup file names

In this parameter, you can specify an archive by the file name of a backup that belongs to the archive; for example: --arc=my_backup2.tib.

This syntax is the only way to access an archive in command line if the archive's metadata has been lost. If the metadata is intact, the --arc parameter refers to the entire archive. If the metadata is lost, the --arc parameter refers to the backup chain that contains the specified backup. (A backup chain is a full backup and all of its dependent incremental and differential backups.)

When using this syntax in a command operating with backups, you still need to specify the --backup parameter.

--arc=my_backup2.tib --backup=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

If the --backup parameter is not specified and if the archive's metadata is intact, the command will apply to the latest backup of the archive. If the metadata is lost, the command will apply to the latest backup of the backup chain that contains the specified backup.

Restriction: You cannot specify file names of backups stored on Acronis Storage Node, Acronis Online Backup Storage, Acronis Secure Zone or tape.