

Enables simplified naming of backup files.

With this parameter, full backups are named using the archive name (the --arc parameter value); for example: MyData.tib. Names of incremental or differential backups have an index; for example: MyData2.tib, MyData3.tib. Before creating a new full backup, the software will delete the entire archive and start a new one.

This parameter is useful in the following cases:

Without this parameter, each backup will have a unique file name with the exact time stamp and the backup type; for example: MyData_2010_03_26_17_01_38_960D.tib. This standard file naming allows for a wider range of backup destinations and backup schemes.

When you back up to a removable device, the --plain_archive parameter is not needed. Instead, the --fixed_drive parameter determines whether the standard or simplified naming scheme will be used.


When using simplified file naming, the following functionality is not available:

Restrictions on archive names