

The parameter is used with the backup commands only if the backup destination (the --loc parameter value) is an RDX drive or USB flash drive.

If the parameter is specified, the device will be used as a fixed drive. Otherwise, the device will be used as removable media.

The following table summarizes the difference between the two modes.


Fixed drive

Removable media

If there is insufficient space to continue backing up, the software will prompt you to...

...manually free up disk space.

...insert new media.

Simplified naming of backup files... unavailable even if you specify the --plain_archive parameter. always used even if you do not specify the --plain_archive parameter.

An archive with several full backups can be created.


No. Before creating a new full backup, the software will delete the entire archive and start a new one.

The --cleanup parameter is effective.


No. An archive contains only one full backup which cannot be deleted.

You can delete any backup of any archive.


No. You can delete only a backup that does not have dependent backups.

In Linux, the parameter is effective if the device is specified by its name (for example, sdf:/). If a device is specified by its mount point (for example, /mnt/backup), it behaves as a fixed drive.

With the backup vm, backup exchange_database, or backup exchange_mailbox commands, the device is always used in the fixed drive mode, so, this parameter is ignored.