Access to a virtual machine

{--vmid=<virtual machine ID>|--vmname=<virtual machine name>|--vmconfig=<path>}

The methods of access to a virtual machine

If Agent for ESX(i) or Agent for Hyper-V is registered on the management server, you can access a virtual machine directly from the management server without specifying the virtualization host:

--host=<ams hostname> --credentials=<user name>,<password> --service=ams --vmname=<virtual machine name>

If Agent for ESX(i) or Agent for Hyper-V is not registered on the management server, specify the virtual appliance or the Windows host running the agent:

--host=<agent hostname> --credentials=<user name>,<password> --vmname=<virtual machine name>

When operating within the virtual appliance or the Windows host running the agent, you do not need to specify access parameters other than --vmname or --vmid.


--vmid=<virtual machine ID>

Virtual machine unique identifier, assigned by the virtualization software. Use the list vms command to obtain identifiers of virtual machines.

With the backup vm command, you can specify several values of this parameter.


--vmname=<virtual machine name>

Virtual machine name. If the Acronis agent finds more than one virtual machine with the same name, an error occurs (this does not apply to clustered Hyper-V virtual machines). In this case, use the --vmid or --vmconfig parameter.

With the backup vm command, you can specify several values of this parameter.



Path to the virtual machine configuration file on the ESX(i) server (to the .vmx file). The parameter cannot be used for Hyper-V servers. The format is as follows:

[<storage>] <folder>/…/<folder N>/<VMX file name>


--vmconfig="[Local_storage_2] Windows 2008 R2 Dev/Windows 2008 R2 Dev.vmx"

With the backup vm command, you can specify several values of this parameter.