

If the parameter is specified, the software will automatically handle situations requiring user interaction as if the user answers Yes or OK to the interaction request. If the interaction request does not imply these answers (for example, the possible answers to a reboot prompt are Reboot and Cancel), the software will ignore this request. If an operation cannot continue without user interaction, it will fail.

If the parameter is not specified, the command allows interaction with the user.

The parameter is mainly intended for the recover lvm_structure command. It automates the recovery of a Linux system, along with its software RAID/LVM structure, to a machine with different logical volume structure or without logical volumes. This command always prompts the user to confirm the replacement of the machine's logical volume structure.

Please be aware that by using the --force_yes parameter you may unintentionally confirm deletion of useful data. If you want the software to simply ignore interaction requests, use the --silent_mode parameter rather than the --force_yes parameter. These parameters are mutually exclusive.