Deactivating the Advanced Automation service

You can deactivate the Advanced Automation service if you no longer want to use the functionality included in Advanced Automation.

Deactivation is immediate. However, you can select to immediately delete the settings and data stored in Advanced Automation, or schedule their deletion in 30 days.

If you select to delete all Advanced Automation data immediately, all Advanced Automation data and settings are removed from the system. If you later decide to start using Advanced Automation again, you will need to activate the Advanced Automation service, and redo the onboarding. For more information, see Setting up Advanced Automation.

If you select to schedule the deletion of Advanced Automation data in 30 days, your settings and data are preserved and you can reactivate Advanced Automation at any time in the next 30 days. You are not charged for Advanced Automation usage during this 30-day retention period. For more information about reactivating, see the procedure below.

To deactivate the Advanced Automation service

  1. In the management portal, click Settings > Billing and quoting.
  2. Click the My subscription tab.

    The displayed tab includes details on the number of current Advanced Automation users.

  3. Click Deactivate Advanced Automation service.
  4. In the displayed dialog, enter any feedback you would like to share.
  5. Select one of the following options:

    • Schedule the deletion of Advanced Automation data for 30 days from now (the actual deletion date is shown). This option enables you to reactivate Advanced Automation at any time during the next 30 days, as described in the procedure below.

    • Delete all your Advanced Automation data now. This option immediately deletes all Advanced Automation data and settings, and cannot be reversed.

  6. Click Deactivate.

    If you selected to schedule the deletion of Advanced Automation data in 30 days, the main Advanced Automation landing page is displayed. You can click Reactivate at any time in the next 30 days to reactivate the service. For more information about reactivating, see the procedure below.

    If you selected to delete all Advanced Automation data now, the main Advanced Automation landing page is displayed, but only with the option to Activate the Advanced Automation service. You will need to complete the onboarding process if you want to activate Advanced Automation again.

To reactivate the Advanced Automation service

  1. In the management portal, click Settings > Advanced Automation.

  2. Click Reactivate.

    The Reactivate option is only available if you selected to schedule the deletion of Advanced Automation data in 30 days, as described in the above procedure.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click Reactivate.

    If you did not previously complete the onboarding process, the onboarding wizard screen is displayed. Configure the relevant Advanced Automation options (see Activating Advanced Automation).

    Although the Advanced Automation service is now reactivated and most of your settings are restored, you will need to manually perform the following: