Configuring your email settings

Advanced Automation has a built-in email parser to convert incoming email to tickets. To use this feature, ensure you use a dedicated email account or test email account. In addition, note the following:

  • Do not use a personal email account with the same address as an Cyber Protect Cloud user account.
  • All unread messages that the system finds in the inbox will be converted into tickets.
  • Tickets cannot be assigned to users that are not present in Cyber Protect Cloud as there can be no association with an email address. 
  • Once an email message is processed, Advanced Automation moves it to an archive folder (it is not deleted):
    • If there is no archive folder, it is created.
    • If you are using a mail server other than Office365 or Gmail, ensure it supports RFC 6851.

To access the mail server settings, go to Settings > Service desk > Mail server configuration.

The configuration of the mail server for outgoing invoices and incoming tickets is only available when the Advanced Automation service is activated. This functionality is also accessed when first onboarding with Advanced Automation, as described in Activating Advanced Automation.