replicate backup

Replicates the latest backup of the specified archive to a different location. If the --backup parameter is specified, the specified backups will be replicated. If the target location is the same as the source one, the command will fail.

If the target archive exists, the command will append the specified backups to it. This means that a backup will not be replicated if the target archive already contains a backup with the same GUID.

Using this command, you can replicate each backup of your archive to a second location immediately after backing up or on a schedule. This helps you make your archive more reliable by maintaining its copy in a different location.



--credentials=<user name>,<password>,encrypted
--arc=<archive name>
--credentials=<user name>,<password>,encrypted
--target_arc=<archive name>
--backup={<backup IDs>|all}

If the value is all, all backups of the specified archive will be selected for replication.

General parameters

--log=<full path>
{-f|--file_params}=<full local path>

Access to a remote machine (advanced editions only)

--host=<IP address or hostname>
--credentials=<user name>,<password>,encrypted
--address=<IP address or hostname>

Access to a specific service within a machine (advanced editions only)


Replicating backups from a managed vault (--loc=bsp://<storage node>/<vault name>) is always executed by the storage node service. If you specify a different service, it will transmit the command to asn.