
Commands: export archive, export backup, recover file, replicate backup


In the recover file command, the parameter specifies a local or network folder where folders/files will be recovered (a target folder). The formats of the parameter value are the same as in the --loc parameter. If the --target parameter is not specified, the original path will be re-created from the backup.

In the export archive, export backup, or replicate backup command, the parameter specifies the location where the archive or backup will be exported or replicated. The formats of the parameter value are the same as in the --loc parameter, except for online:// which is not supported by the export archive and export backup commands. If the --target parameter is not specified, the command will fail.

Command: recover exchange_database


In the recover exchange_database command, available values of the parameter are as follows:

If the parameter is not specified, the command will fail.

Command: recover exchange_mailbox


In the recover exchange_mailbox command, available values of the parameter are as follows:

If the parameter is not specified, the command will fail.