Data catalog

Data catalog lets you easily find the required version of data and select it for recovery. On a managed machine, the data catalog functionality is available through the Data view tab for any vault accessible from this machine. On the management server, the catalog functionality is available through both Data view and the centralized Data catalog. The centralized data catalog displays in a single place all the data stored in the centralized managed vaults.

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 may upload data catalog files from a vault to a local cache folder. By default, this folder is located on the disk where the operating system is installed. For information about changing the default cache folder, refer to the "Changing the default cache folder for catalog files" section.

Selecting the backed up data for recovery

  1. Do any of the following:
  2. In the Show field, select the type of data to display:
  3. In the Display data backed up for field, specify the time period for which the backed up data will be displayed.
  4. Do any of the following:
  5. Use the Versions list to select the point of time to revert the data to. By default, the data will be reverted to latest point of time available for the time period selected in step 3.

    [Optionally, applicable to the Data catalog only] If the backed up data has multiple replicas stored on more than one location, you can select the location to recover the data from. To access information about locations of the selected data, right-click its version and then click Change the vault to recover from. By default, the location that provides the fastest access to the data is selected. Local hard disk drives are the fastest, tapes - the slowest.

  6. Having selected the required data, click Recover and configure the parameters of the recovery operation.

What if the data does not appear in the catalog or data view

The probable reasons of the issue are as follows.

Wrong time period is set

The required data was not backed up during the time period set by the Display data backed up for control.

Solution: Try to increase the time period.

Fast cataloging is turned on

If the data is displayed partially or is not displayed at all, most likely the fast cataloging was turned on during backup.


The data is not supported by the catalog

The following data cannot be displayed in the catalog or data view:

Solution: To be able to browse such data, use the Archive view tab of the respective vault.

The data is not included in the centralized catalog

The centralized catalog does not display data from centralized unmanaged vaults or from personal vaults.

Solution for centralized unmanaged vaults: Select the vault in the Navigation tree, and then select Data view.

Solution for personal vaults: Connect directly to the machine, select the vault and then select Data view.