Backup cataloging

Cataloging a backup adds the contents of the backup to the data catalog. Using the data catalog, you can easily find the required version of data and select it for recovery.

The Backup cataloging option specifies whether full or fast cataloging will be performed on a backup as soon as the backup is created.

The preset is: Full cataloging.

If you select Full cataloging, the backup contents are cataloged to the highest possible level of detail. This means that the following data will be displayed in the catalog:

You may want to select Fast cataloging if the full cataloging tends to affect the performance of the managed machine or if your backup window is too narrow. The following data will be displayed in the catalog:

To add the full contents of already existing backups to the catalog, you can start the full cataloging manually when appropriate.

Note for Virtual Edition users: When backing up to an unmanaged vault (except for a locally-attached storage), Agent for ESX(i) (Virtual Appliance) always performs fast cataloging. You can start the full cataloging of the vault manually from the management server.

For more information about using data catalog, see the Data catalog section.