Selecting the Exchange data by using the Data view or Data catalog

The Data view tab on the managed machine or the Data catalog view on the management server lets you browse and select the backed up data by versions (backup date and time).

Selecting the backed up data for recovery

The steps required for browsing and selecting the Exchange data for recovery in the Catalog or Data view are pretty much the same as for disks and files, with exception of steps 2, 4 and 5:

  1. Do any of the following:
  2. In the Show field, select the type of Exchange data to display:
  3. In the Display data backed up for field, specify the time period for which the backed up data will be displayed.
  4. Do any of the following:
  5. In the Versions list, select the point in time to recover the data to:
  6. Having selected the required data, click Recover and configure the parameters of the recovery operation.

For information about what to do if the data does not appear in the catalog or data view, refer to the "Data catalog" section of the product help system or guides for Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5.