Configuring the offering items for a tenant

When you create a new tenant, all offering items for the selected services are enabled. You can select which offering items will be available to the users within the tenant and its child tenants, and set quotas for them.

This procedure is not applicable to a unit tenant.

To configure the offering items for a tenant

  1. On the Configure services section of the create/edit tenant dialog, under each service tab, clear the check boxes for the offering items that you want to disable.

    The functionality that corresponds to the disabled offering items will be unavailable for the users within the tenant and its child tenants.

  2. For some services, you can select storages that will be available to the new tenant. Storages are grouped by locations. You can select from the list of locations and storages that are available to your tenant.
    • When creating a partner/folder tenant, you can select multiple locations and storages for each service.
    • When creating a customer tenant, you must select one location, and then select one storage per service within this location. The storages assigned to the customer can be changed later, but only if their usage is 0 GB – that is, either before the customer starts using the storage or after the customer removes all the backups from this storage. The information about the storage space usage is not updated in real time. Please allow up to 24 hours for the information to be updated.

    For details about storages, refer to "Managing locations and storage".

  3. To specify the quota for an item, click on the Unlimited link next to the offering item.

    These quotas are "soft". If any of these values are exceeded, an email notification is sent to the tenant administrators and the administrators of the parent tenant. Restrictions on using the services are not applied. For a partner tenant it is expected that the offering item usage can exceed the quota because the overage cannot be set when creating a partner tenant.

  4. [Only when creating a customer tenant] Specify the quota overages.

    An overage allows a customer tenant to exceed the quota by the specified value. When the overage is exceeded, restrictions on using the corresponding service are applied.

  5. Click Save and close.

The newly created tenant appears on the Clients tab of the management console.

If you want to edit the tenant settings or change the administrator, select the tenant on the Clients tab, and then click the pencil icon in the section that you want to edit.