Managing locations and storage

The Settings > Locations section shows the cloud storages and disaster recovery infrastructures that you can use to provide the Cyber Protection and the File Sync & Share services to your partners and customers.

Storages configured for other services will be shown on the Locations section in the future releases.


A location is a container that enables you to conveniently group the cloud storages and disaster recovery infrastructures. It can represent anything of your choice, like a specific data center or a geographical location of your infrastructure components.

You can create any number of locations and populate them with backup storages, disaster recovery infrastructures, and File Sync & Share storages. A location can contain multiple cloud storages but only one disaster recovery infrastructure.

For information about operations with storages, refer to "Managing storage".

Choosing locations and storages for partners and customers

When creating a partner/folder tenant, you can select multiple locations and multiple storages per service within them that will be available in the new tenant.

When creating a customer tenant, you must select one location, and then select one storage per service within this location. The storages assigned to the customer can be changed later, but only if their usage is 0 GB – that is, either before the customer starts using the storage or after the customer removes all the backups from this storage.

The information about the storages that are assigned to a customer tenant is shown on the tenant details panel when the tenant is selected on the Clients tab. The information about the storage space usage is not updated in real time. Please allow up to 24 hours for the information to be updated.

For information on geo-redundancy, see Geo-redundant storage.

Operations with locations

To create a new location, click Add location, and then specify the location name.

To move a storage or a disaster recovery infrastructure to another location, select the storage or the infrastructure, click the pencil icon in the Location field, and then select the target location.

To rename a location, click the ellipsis icon next to the location name, click Rename, and then specify the new location name.

To delete a location, click the ellipsis icon next to the location name, click Delete, and then confirm your decision. Only empty locations can be deleted.