convert full

Converts an incremental or differential backup into a full one. The backup time stamp remains unchanged. The dependent incremental and differential backups are also updated. However, the old backup versions are deleted only after the new ones have been created. Therefore, the location must have enough space to temporarily store both the old and the new versions.




The command does not support the following locations: Acronis Online Backup Storage, tape and CD/DVD.

--credentials=<user name>,<password>
--arc=<archive name>
--backup=<backup ID>

General parameters

--log=<full path>
{-f|--file_params}=<full local path>

Access to a remote machine (advanced editions only)

--host=<IP address or hostname>
--credentials=<user name>,<password>
--address=<IP address or hostname>

Access to a specific service within a machine (advanced editions only)
