
--address=<IP address or hostname>

Specifies a machine registered on the management server.

Some commands can be applied to multiple machines. This is done by separating the machine addresses with commas. Such commands include backup disk, backup file, recover disk, recover mbr, recover file, create asz, delete asz, activate asrm, and deactivate asrm. The operation will be executed on the specified machines one after another. The parameter for the above commands has been specified in the following way: --address=<IP addresses or hostnames>.

The management server must also be specified when using this parameter. Credentials for the machine are not required. Only the management server credentials are needed.


To view all machine disks through the management server, run the following command:

acrocmd list disks --host=<ams hostname> --credentials=<user name>,<password> --service=ams --address=<IP address or hostname>