Recovering storage groups or databases to the original path

The original path for a database or a storage group means the path taken from the backup.

If the same databases or storage groups exist in the original paths, they will be overwritten (if the overwriting is allowed in the properties of the selected databases). The paths to the existing databases or storage group cannot be changed.

If the database being recovered does not exist in the original path, you can change the default path taken from the backup by clicking the database name. In Exchange 2010, you can also change the path to the transaction log files. As soon as you change any of the default settings, the Original switches to the Custom. If you switch back to the Original, the customized mapping for databases or storage groups will be reverted to the default one.

To mount the databases after recovery, in Mount recovered databases select either Mount or Mount with Active Restore. In the latter case, the databases will be recovered using the Acronis Active Restore technology allowing users to access their e-mails while the Exchange databases are still being recovered.

For information about the original paths for Exchange clusters, see the "Recovering data to the Exchange cluster" section.