
Acronis to SMBs: Backup is Only Half the Data Protection Story; Data Recovery is the Key

London, UK, April 2, 2007 - Acronis Inc. (www.acronis.com/zh-cn/), a technological leader in advanced storage management and disaster recovery software, warns that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are placing too much importance on their data backup plans and too little on data retrieval and recovery strategies. As a result of this imbalance, SMBs face otherwise avoidable periods of downtime in the event of an IT failure or other disaster.

To help SMBs across all industries address this potential shortcoming, Acronis is offering a six-point guide to speed up the data recovery process and prevent damage to profits and reputation:

  • Make sure your data recovery strategy allows you to restore data, applications and operating systems to different types of hardware or to virtual systems. Having the capability to restore to multiple environments – not just a company's current one – can be a huge time saver.
  • Plan for the recovery of systems first by prioritizing resources and creating backup schedules to match the maximum allowable downtime for any given server. Remember, disasters vary based on the application; a Web server that takes online orders needs to be up and running more quickly than a Web server that simply displays static pages.
  • Back up to disk, not tape, for faster restore times. Take advantage of high-capacity and high-performance disk drives that are decreasing in price and increasing in resiliency. Disks are inherently more reliable, require less maintenance than tape, and can be used for online, near-line and archival storage more efficiently than tape.
  • Empower mobile employees to recover data themselves more quickly than relying on the IT department. Use tools such as hidden partitions on laptops to save images of the systems. That way, should a user be traveling when an emergency occurs or a virus hits, the remote user will be able to restore the data and programs on the laptops themselves.
  • Consider going virtual: recovering data from hundreds of servers can be a management nightmare; using virtualisation to consolidate the number of servers you need to run your business dramatically reduces the recovery workload in the event of a failure. Ancillary cost savings using virtual technology also are possible, based on your computing requirements.
  • Test test test. Creating a backup strategy is only the first step; make sure you test your plan to make sure it meets your needs from a technological and from a staffing perspective. Make sure backups are accessible for mission-critical systems and that you can restore your backup on any system, regardless of the platform. Then test your plan to make everyone knows exactly what to do when an outage strikes.

"SMBs face a real challenge in developing disaster recovery strategies," said Kevin Moreau, head of Acronis' UK operations. "Many of them are only doing half the job and backing up their data without developing a fast, effective way of recovering it. In fact, many have never tested their disaster recovery plan to determine if they can get their systems back up and running quickly. This is like a thirsty man who throws a bucket down a well without fastening a rope because he's too desperate for a drink to be bothered to tie a knot; you may get to the water faster, but you'll never be able pull back your vital resource."

关于 Acronis:

Acronis 是一家全球性的网络安全公司,为托管服务提供商 (MSP)、中小型企业 (SMB) 和企业 IT 部门提供原生集成的网络安全保护、数据保护和终端管理。Acronis 解决方案非常高效,旨在通过最短的停机时间识别、阻止、检测、响应、纠正当下肆虐横行的网络威胁以及实现之后的恢复,从而确保数据完整性和业务连续性。Acronis 凭借其独特的能力,可满足多样化和分布式 IT 环境的需求,为 MSP 提供市场上最全面的安全解决方案。

Acronis 是一家瑞士公司,于 2003 年在新加坡成立,全球设有 15 个办事处,员工遍布 50 多个国家。Acronis Cyber Protect 在 26 个国家/地区提供 150 种语言版本,已被 20,000 个以上的服务提供商用于保护超过 750,000 家企业。请访问 www.acronis.com 了解更多信息。
Katya Turtseva