
Acronis Launched Web-based Educational Center for Technical And Everyday Computer Users

Tips & Tricks, Engineer-to-Engineer, Case Studies provide users with hands-on knowledge

South San Francisco, CALIF., September 8, 2004 — Acronis, Inc., the technological leader in storage management solutions, launched an educational resource center that provides non-technical and technical users alike with information they need to make sound, computing decisions.

Called Resources, the Web pages are devoted to addressing general computing issues that computer users face daily. Sections include tips and tricks to make technology more useful for the average user, storage and disk management advice, technical discussions on storage and computing issues, and case studies of real computing issues IT managers face daily.

"The Resources section will be packed with information for end users, technicians, IT managers and anyone interested learning more about computers and managing their data," said Acronis CEO Max Tsypliaev. "It will include information on Acronis' own approach to storage and systems management, as well as non-commercial articles and a comprehensive analysis of new technologies. Both technical and occasional users find it useful to have a repository where they can find quick tips and tricks, as well as more exhaustive analysis and technical articles.

"We will offer a variety of articles addressed to all of our user community," he added. "Technological expertise isn't reserved for engineers; it's for anybody who has a job to do and wants to get it done effectively and efficiently."

"Resources will provide education equity to users," said marketing director Stephen Lawton. "Our goal is to provide information that users need to make an informed decision is presented in very much a non-commercial way. We will discuss our own products where examples are needed, but much of the information is very general and not product-specific."

Examples of articles now available in the Resources Tips & Tricks section include "How Should I Organize My Hard Drive?," "Mirroring Is Not Backup," "My Computer Is Running Hot. What Should I Do?;" and "Saving a Disk Image Over the Internet."

"Each page will include an icon that visitors can click to create immediate links to the Acronis Resource section," Lawton continued. "This way, if a guest finds an article they need, they can link to it quickly and easier. Acronis also is encouraging individuals and companies to create links from their Web sites to the Acronis Resources pages to further the educational opportunities."

关于 Acronis:

Acronis 是一家全球性的网络安全公司,为托管服务提供商 (MSP)、中小型企业 (SMB) 和企业 IT 部门提供原生集成的网络安全保护、数据保护和终端管理。Acronis 解决方案非常高效,旨在通过最短的停机时间识别、阻止、检测、响应、纠正当下肆虐横行的网络威胁以及实现之后的恢复,从而确保数据完整性和业务连续性。Acronis 凭借其独特的能力,可满足多样化和分布式 IT 环境的需求,为 MSP 提供市场上最全面的安全解决方案。

Acronis 是一家瑞士公司,于 2003 年在新加坡成立,全球设有 15 个办事处,员工遍布 50 多个国家。Acronis Cyber Protect 在 26 个国家/地区提供 150 种语言版本,已被 20,000 个以上的服务提供商用于保护超过 750,000 家企业。请访问 www.acronis.com 了解更多信息。
Katya Turtseva