
Acronis Joins Iomega Corporation's Technology Partners Program

June 15, 2007, Singapore - Acronis (www.acronis.com/ja-jp/), a leader in advanced storage management and disaster recovery software announced today it has joined the Iomega Technology Partners Program. Membership in the Iomega Technology Partner Program allows Iomega and Acronis customers to select and deploy the best combination of backup and restore products for their specific business needs.

Iomega Corp. provides easy-to-use, high-value storage and security solutions to help small- and mid-sized businesses and others protect, secure, capture and share their valuable digital information.

"Joining the Iomega Technology Partners Program is a logical fit for Acronis. The combination of Iomega's storage devices and the Acronis True Image backup and restore solution gives both small and large businesses a reliable, easy-to-use approach to protecting their valuable data," said Walter Scott, CEO of Acronis. "Acronis True Image has supported Iomega products since its initial release. Our company is committed to a successful, long-term relationship with Iomega and to integrating Iomega solutions with Acronis products."

"Iomega is a global leader in reliable data storage and offers solutions for consumers and small business customers," said Zorian Rotenberg, Director of Business Development at Acronis. "Our partnership with Iomega and our solution's compatibility with its REVR drives will help those customers have the peace of mind that Acronis back up and recovery provides. Iomega users will be able restore their systems within a matter of minutes, not hours or days required for a tape-based solution."

Acronis True Image takes an image of the Iomega drive using patented snapshot technology. Users can perform a full-system restore, a bare-metal restore or restore individual files and folders in minutes.

アクロニスは、マネージドサービスプロバイダー(MSP)、中小企業(SMB)、およびエンタープライズ企業のIT部門向けに、ネイティブに統合されたサイバーセキュリティ 、データ保護、およびエンドポイント管理を提供するグローバルなサイバープロテクション企業です。アクロニスの効率性に優れたソリューションは、最小限のダウンタイムで最新のサイバー脅威を特定、防止、検出、対応、修復、復元し、データの完全性とビジネスの継続性を確保するように設計されています。 アクロニスは、多様で分散したIT環境のニーズを満たす独自の機能により、MSP向けに市場で最も包括的なセキュリティソリューションを提供しています。

アクロニスは2003年にシンガポールで設立されたスイス企業です。アクロニスは、世界15か所のオフィスと50カ国以上で拠点を擁しており、Acronis Cyber Protectソリューションは150カ国に26言語で提供され、2万社を超えるサービスプロバイダーで利用されており75万社を超える企業を保護しています詳細はwww.acronis.comをご参照ください。
Katya Turtseva
VP of Communications