Build 2.0.2August 26, 2024

Version 2.0.2

Platform version: Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud 24.08

What's new

In the 2.0.2. release of the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Integration with AppDirect integration, Acronis is introducing several bug fixes related to getting alert details from Acronis into Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Integration with AppDirect, and mapping and importing Customers from Acronis into Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Integration with AppDirect.


  • CI-28257 Protection plan name is not displayed in alerts in ServiceNow.
  • CI-27222 Unable to import more that 100 customers per tenant when setting up a connection in ServiceNow.
  • CI-26939 When setting up a connection in ServiceNow, if a tenant has only one customer, the customer is repeatedly imported and does not have a Partner assigned in the Tenants table.
Build 2.0.0July 25, 2023

Version 2.0

Platform version: Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud 23.07

ServiceNow 2.0 meets the needs of large MSPs by enabling the mapping of multiple data centers with several partner accounts in a single ServiceNow instance as well as improved provisioning.

The new integration also supports MSPs with hundreds of customers with detailed alert data and more advanced alert rules within ServiceNow, so that they can handle all incidents without leaving the ServiceNow console.

Important: The new version of the Acronis Cyber Protect integration with ServiceNow introduces major improvements across all features. To ensure the new version of the integration is working properly, please first uninstall the existing version from your ServiceNow instance. Then install the Acronis Cyber Protect app again. We do not recommend simply updating the app, as it might create duplicates in your data.

What's new

  • Connecting multiple Acronis partner tenants into a single ServiceNow instance
  • Automatic provisioning settings from ServiceNow to Acronis, enabling partners to have new customer tenants created automatically without having to leave the ServiceNow interface
  • Detailed alert content – in a matter of seconds, partners can locate issues across all their tenants
  • Complex alert rules for converting Acronis alerts to ServiceNow incidents
Build 1.1.1December 21, 2021

Version 1.0

Platform version: Acronis Cyber Cloud 21.12 or later

This is the first release of the ServiceNow integration app: Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud – Services.

What's new

The following scenarios are supported:

  • Streamlined two-way customer management between ServiceNow and Acronis
  • Provisioning of offering items for customers from ServiceNow to Acronis
  • Access to real-time alerts from Acronis, within ServiceNow
  • Dashboards with real-time and aggregated security related data