
Monitoring Acronis statuses using NinjaOne custom fields

NinjaOne custom fields for devices can be used to monitor Acronis statuses such as:

  • Acronis Agent version
  • Protection status
  • Protection plan name
  • Last backup date
  • Next backup date
  • Last antimalware scan date
  • Next antimalware scan date

See Configure monitoring for more details on how to map Acronis statuses to NinjaOne custom fields.

View Acronis statuses on devices in NinjaOne

To check Acronis statuses for devices in NinjaOne, you should go to the organization where it is mapped:

  1. Go to NinjaOne > Dashboard > Organization.

  2. Navigate to the custom fields under this device.

Make sure that the API permission for the custom field, selected in NinjaOne, is set to include the Write option. Otherwise, the status update may fail.

Monitoring using scripts

This is the legacy tool that uses scripts to monitor Acronis statuses.

Monitoring scripts functionality

The following scripts are currently in use:

  • Acronis_backup_failed - counts the number of open alerts of backup failed type and outputs the "x backups failed" sentence.

  • Acronis_antivirus_failed_alert - counts the number of open alerts of "Active Protection service is not running" & "Continuous Data Protection failed" types and outputs the "Active protection service failed x times" sentence.

  • Acronis_malware_detected_alert - counts cumulatively the total number of open alerts of "Malware is detected and blocked (ODS)" and "Malware is detected and blocked (RTP)" types and outputs the "x MALWARE THREADS has been found" sentence.

  • Acronis_last_backup - compares the current endpoint date to the last successful backup date and time. If last successful backup is later than the number of days ago, it outputs the "Last succesful backup more than x days ago" sentence.

  • Acronis_last_antivirus_scan - compares the current endpoint date to the last successful antivirus scan date and time. If last successful antivirus scan was later than the number of days ago, it outputs the "Last succesful antivirus scan more than x days ago" sentence.

  • Acronis_last_malware_scan - compares the current endpoint date to the last successful antimalware scan date and time. If last successful antimalware scan was later than the number of days ago, it outputs the "Last succesful antimalware scan more than x days ago" sentence.

Each of the monitoring scripts can be set as either manually or repetitively executed with a NinjaOne scheduled task.

In order to manually run a monitoring script:

  1. In the NinjaOne interface, go to Dashboard > Organizations and click on the organization you want to manage.
  2. Hover over a device of your choice, then navigate to Run Script and click From Library.
  3. Click on the monitoring script you want to run.
  4. In the pop-up that appears next, select Preset Parameter, in case the script requires any.
  5. In the Run As drop-down list, select the System value.
  6. Click Apply, then Yes.

In order to create a NinjaOne scheduled task for repetitive monitoring script execution:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Tasks.
  2. Click New Task in the top right corner.
  3. For the newly created task, specify:
    1. name
    2. schedule
    3. optionally, description.
  4. Click Add Script in the top right to specify what script to run in the task. This will open the Script Library. You can select any of the Acronis monitoring scripts listed there.
  5. While adding scripts to your scheduled task, you will be prompted to specify Preset parameters and one of the following ways to run the script as:
    • System
    • current user
    • using your store credentials.
  6. In the Run As drop-down list, select the System value.
  7. Next, navigate to the Targets tab on the left page side.
  8. Click Add in the top right.
  9. Specify any desired organization(s), device(s) and/or group(s) to run the task on, then click Apply.
  10. Finally, click Save.