Resolving plan conflicts

You can apply multiple protection plans to the same workload. For example, you may apply one protection plan in which you enabled and configured only the Antivirus and Antimalware module, and another protection plan in which you enabled and configured only the Backup module.

You can combine protection plans in which different modules are enabled. You can also combine multiple protection plans in which only the Backup module is enabled. However, if any other module is enabled in more than one plan, a conflict occurs. To apply the plan, first you must resolve the conflict.

Conflict between a new and existing plan

If a new plan conflicts with an existing plan, you can resolve the conflict in one of the following ways:  

  • Create a new plan, apply it, and then disable the existing plan that conflicts with the new one.
  • Create a new plan, and then disable it.

Conflict between an individual and group plan

If an individual protection plan conflicts with a group plan that is applied to a device group, you can resolve the conflict in one of the following ways:

  • Remove the workload from the device group, and then apply the individual protection plan to it.
  • Edit the existing group plan or apply a new group plan to the device group.

License issue

A protection plan module might require that a specific service quota is assigned to the protected workload. If the assigned service quota is not appropriate, you will not be able to run, update, or apply the protection plan in which the respective module is enabled.

To resolve a license issue, do one of the following:

  • Disable the module that is not supported by the currently assigned service quota, and then continue using the protection plan.
  • Change the assigned service quota manually. To learn how to do this, see Changing the service quota of machines.