Patch management

The availability of this feature depends on the service quotas that are enabled for your account.

For more information about the supported third-party products for Windows OS, refer to List of third-party products supported by Patch Management (62853).

Use the patch management functionality to:

  • install OS-level and application-level updates
  • approve patches manually or automatically
  • install patches on-demand or according to a schedule
  • precisely define which patches to install by different criteria: severity, category, and approval status
  • perform pre-update backup to prevent possible unsuccessful updates
  • define the reboot action after patch installation

To work with Windows updates, the patch management feature requires that Windows updates are enabled on the workload.

Cyber Protection introduces peer-to-peer technology to minimize network bandwidth traffic. You can choose one or more dedicated agents that will download updates from the Internet and distribute them among other agents in the network. All agents will also share updates with each other as peer-to-peer agents.