Viewing the list of available patches

After a vulnerability assessment scan completes, you can view information about the available patches in Software management > Patches.

To view details about a specific patch, in the list of patches, click the corresponding patch.

The following table describes the information for the patch that you can view on the screen.

Field Description

Approval status

The approval status is mainly needed for automatic approval scenarios.

You can define one of the following statuses for a patch:

  • Approved – the patch was installed on at least one machine and validated as ok
  • Declined – the patch is not safe and may corrupt a machine system
  • Pending approval – the patch status is unclear and should be validated

License agreement

  • Agreed
  • Disagreed. If you disagree with the license agreement, then the patch status becomes Declined and it will not be installed


The severity of the patch:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
  • None


The vendor of the patch

Affected product

Product for which the patch is applicable

Installed versions

Product versions that are already installed


Version of the patch


The category to which the patch belongs:

  • Critical update – broadly released fixes for specific problems addressing critical, non-security related bugs.
  • Security update – broadly released fixes for specific products addressing security issues.
  • Definition update – updates to virus or other definition files.
  • Update rollup – cumulative set of hotfixes, security updates, critical updates, and updates packaged together for easy deployment. A rollup generally targets a specific area, such as security, or a specific component, such as Internet Information Services (IIS).
  • Service pack – cumulative sets of all hotfixes, security updates, critical updates, and updates created since the release of the product. Service packs might also contain a limited number of customer-requested design changes or features.
  • Tool – utilities or features that aid in accomplishing a task or set of tasks.
  • Feature pack – new feature releases, usually rolled into products at the next release.
  • Update – broadly released fixes for specific problems addressing non-critical, non-security related bugs.
  • Application – patches for an application.

Release date

The date when the patch was released
Last reported The date of the last time when the patch was reported
First installed

The date of the first successful installation of the patch on a machine

Microsoft KB

If the patch is for a Microsoft product, the field shows the KB article ID


Number of affected machines


The number of vulnerabilities. If you click on it, you will be redirected to the list of vulnerabilities.


The average size of the patch


The language which is supported by the patch

Vendor site

The official site of the vendor