
Cleanup is an operation that deletes outdated backups according to the retention rules. This operation is only applicable to agents and workloads, and not cloud to cloud backups (which can only be manually deleted).

This functionality is available in customer tenants for which the Advanced Backup – Servers or the Advanced Backup – NAS quota is enabled as part of the Advanced Backup pack.

Supported locations

Cleanup plans support all backup locations, except for NFS folders and Secure Zone.

To create a cleanup plan

  1. In the Cyber Protect console, click Management > Cleanup.
  2. Click Create plan.

  3. In Agent, select the agent that will perform the cleanup.

    You can select any agent that has access to the backup location.

  4. In Items to clean up, select the archives or backup locations to clean up.

    To switch between archives and locations, use the Locations / Backups switch in the upper-right corner.

    If you select multiple encrypted archives, their encryption password must be the same. For archives that use different encryption passwords, create separate plans.

  5. In Schedule, configure the cleanup schedule.
  6. In Retention rules, specify the retention rules.

    The following options are available: 

    • By number of backups
    • By backup age (separate settings for monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly backups)
    • By total size of backups
  7. [If you selected encrypted archives in Items to replicate] Enable the Backup password switch, and then provide the encryption password.
  8. To modify the plan options, click the gear icon, and then configure the options as required.

  9. Click Create.