Enabling services for multiple existing tenants

You can mass-enable services, editions, packs, and offering items for multiple tenants (up to a maximum of 100 tenants in one session).

This procedure is applicable to sub-root, partner, folder, and customer tenants. Tenants of any of these different types can be selected simultaneously.

To enable services for multiple tenants

  1. In the management portal, go to Clients.
  2. In the top right corner, click Configure services.
  3. Select each of the tenants you want to enable services for by selecting the check box next to the tenant name, and then click Next.
  4. In the Select services section, select the relevant services you want to apply to all of the selected tenants, and then click Next.

    You cannot disable a previously enabled service in this screen. All services, editions, and offering items that were selected before you began this procedure will remain enabled.
  5. In the Configure services section, select the service features and offering items you want to enable for the selected tenants, and then click Next.
  6. In the Summary section, review the changes that will be applied to the selected tenants.

    You can click Expand all to see all the tenants' selected services and offering items that will be applied. Alternatively, you can expand each tenant to view the selected services and offering items specific to that tenant.

  7. Click Apply changes. While the services are configured for each tenant, the tenant is disabled, and the Tenant status column indicates the services and offering items are currently being configured, as shown below.

  8. When the configuration of services and offering items is successfully applied to the selected tenants, a confirmation message is displayed.

    If for some reason the services and offering items could not be applied to a tenant, the Tenant status column shows Not applied. Click Try again to review the configuration for the selected tenants.