Configuring self-managed customer profile

As a partner, you can configure self-managed customer profiles for the tenants managed by you. This option allows you to control visibility of tenants profile and contact information to each of your customers.

To configure self-managed customer profile

  1. In the management portal, go to Clients.
  2. Select the client for which you want to configure the self-managed customer profile.
  3. Select the Configure tab, and then select the General settings tab.
  4. Enable or disable the Enable self-managed customer profile switch.

When the self-managed customer profile is enabled, this client will see the Company profile section in the navigation menu and the contact-related fields in the user creation wizard (Business phone, Company contact and Job title).

When the self-managed customer profile is disabled, the Company profile section in the navigation menu and the contact-related fields in the user creation wizard will be hidden.