
The Dashboard provides a number of customizable widgets that give an overview of your backup infrastructure. The widgets are updated in real time. You can choose from more than 20 widgets, presented as pie charts, tables, graphs, bar charts, and lists.

The following widgets are displayed by default:

  • Protection status. Shows protection statuses for the selected device group.
  • Storage. Shows total, free, and occupied space for the selected backup location.
  • Monthly storage usage. Shows the monthly space usage trend for the selected backup location.
  • Activities. Shows results of activities for the last seven days.
  • Not protected. Shows devices without backup plans.
  • Active alerts. Shows the five most recent active alerts.

Widgets have clickable elements that enable you to investigate and troubleshoot issues.

You can download the current state of the dashboard in the .pdf or .xlsx format, or send it via email. To send the dashboard via email, ensure that the Email server settings are configured.