Linux-based bootable media

To create a Linux-based bootable media

  1. Start the Bootable Media Builder.
  2. Specify the license key. The license will not get assigned or reassigned. It determines which functionality to enable for the created media. Without the license keys, you can create media only for recovery.
  3. Select Bootable media type: Default (Linux-based media).

    Select the way volumes and network resources will be handled—called the media style:

  4. [Optional] Specify the parameters of the Linux kernel. Separate multiple parameters with spaces.

    For example, to be able to select a display mode for the bootable agent each time the media starts, type: vga=ask

    For a list of parameters, see Kernel parameters.

  5. Select the components to be placed on the media: the bootable agent and/or Universal Restore.

    Using a media with the bootable agent, you can perform backup, recovery, and disk management operations on any PC-compatible hardware, including bare metal.

    Universal Restore enables you to boot an operating system recovered to dissimilar hardware or to a virtual machine if the system bootability issues occur. The tool finds and installs drivers for devices that are critical for the operating system start, such as storage controllers, motherboard, or chipset.

  6. [Optional] Specify the timeout interval for the boot menu plus the component that will automatically start on timeout.

    If not configured, the loader waits for someone to select whether to boot the operating system (if present) or the component.

    If you set, say, 10 sec. for the bootable agent, the agent will launch 10 seconds after the menu is displayed. This enables unattended onsite operation when booting from WDS/RIS.

  7. [Optional] Specify the remote logon settings: the user name and password to be specified in a command string if the acrocmd utility is running on a different machine. If you leave these boxes empty, the command does not need to contain credentials.
  8. [Optional] Specify network settings: TCP/IP settings to be assigned to the machine network adapters.
  9. [Optional] Specify a network port: The TCP port that the bootable agent listens for incoming connection.
  10. [Optional] If a proxy server is enabled in your network, specify its host name/IP address and port.
  11. Select the type of media to create. You can:
  12. [Optional] Add Windows system drivers to be used by Universal Restore. This window appears if Universal Restore is added to media and media other than WDS/RIS is selected.
  13. If prompted, specify the host name/IP address and credentials for WDS/RIS, or a path to the media ISO file.
  14. Check your settings in the summary screen and click Proceed.