Source files exclusion

This option is effective for Windows and Linux operating systems and bootable media.

This option is effective for disk-level backup of NTFS and FAT file systems only. This option is effective for file-level backup of all supported file systems.

The option defines which files and folders to skip during the backup process and thus exclude from the list of backed-up items.

The preset is: Exclude files matching the following criteria: *.tmp, *.~, *.bak.

To specify which files and folders to exclude:

Set up any of the following parameters:

To exclude a folder specified by a path containing the drive letter, add a backslash (\) to the folder name in the criterion; for example: C:\Finance\

Exclusion examples




Windows and Linux

By name



Excludes all files named "F.log"

Excludes all folders named "F"

By mask (*)



Excludes all files with the .log extension

Excludes all files and folders with names starting with "F" (such as folders F, F1 and files F.log, F1.log)

By mask (?)



Excludes all .log files with names consisting of four symbols and starting with "F"


By file path



Excludes the file named "F.log" located in the folder C:\Finance

By folder path


Excludes the folder C:\Finance\F (be sure to specify the full path starting from the disk letter)


By file path


Excludes the file named "F.log" located in the folder /home/user/Finance

By folder path


Excludes the folder /home/user/Finance

The above settings are not effective for the files or folders that were explicitly selected for backup. For example, assume that you selected the folder MyFolder and the file MyFile.tmp outside that folder, and selected to skip all .tmp files. In this case, all .tmp files in the folder MyFolder will be skipped during the backup process, but the file MyFile.tmp will not be skipped.