Configuration script parameters

The configuration script mst_gen.vbs creates an .mst file (known as a transform, a modification, or a modification file) for the installation package of an Acronis component, such as Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Agent for Windows.

By using the transform together with the installation package, you can install the component in the unattended mode either by running the installation package manually or by deploying it through Group Policy.

The following is the complete syntax of the configuration script:

    /msi_path <Full path>
    [/target_dir <Installation folder>]
    [/account <User name> <Password>]
    [/remote_users <User1> <User2> … <UserN>]
    [/ams_address <Management server> /ams_user <Administrator name> <Password>]
    {/serial <License key> [/old_serial <ABR10 license key>] | /license_server <License server> /product <Edition code>/online_backup/advanced_online_backup}

The script parameters are the following.

Parameters that apply to any component

/msi_path <Full path>

Specifies a full path to the component's installation package. Enter a local path, such as D:\folder\AcronisAgentWindows.msi; or a universal naming convention (UNC) path, such as \\server\folder\AcronisAgentWindows.msi.

/target_dir <Installation folder>

Specifies the folder where to install the component.

Without this parameter, the component will be installed to the default folder: %ProgramFiles%\Acronis (in a 32-bit version of Windows) or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Acronis (in a 64-bit version of Windows).

Parameters applying only to the Agent Core component

The following parameters apply only to the installation package AcronisAgentCore.msi.

/account <User name> <Password>

Specifies the user name and password of the user account under which Acronis Managed Machine Service will run on the machines. All agents on the machine will run as this service. The user account must have appropriate privileges, as described in Specifying credentials for Acronis services. Separate the name of the domain and the account by a backslash, as in: mydomain\User

Without this parameter, the agents will run under the default account: Acronis Agent User

/remote_users <User1> <User2> … <UserN>

Specifies the user names that will be added to the Acronis Remote Users group. Members of this group are allowed to connect to the machine remotely.

With this parameter, only the specified users will be added to the group. Separate the user names by spaces.

Without this parameter, all members of the Administrators group on the particular machine will be added to the group.

/ams_address <Management server> /ams_user <Administrator name> <Password>

Specifies the name or IP address of the Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Management Server. With this parameter, the machine will be registered on the management server after the installation is complete.

/ams_user <Administrator name> <Password>

Specifies the name and password of a user who is a member of the Acronis Centralized Admins group on the management server. Use this parameter with the /ams_address parameter.


Specifies whether the machine will participate in the Customer Experience Program.

With this parameter, information about the hardware configuration, the most and least used features and about any problems will be automatically collected from the machine and sent to Acronis on a regular basis. The terms of participation can be found on the Acronis Web site.

Without this parameter, the information will not be sent.

Parameters that apply only to a component that requires a license

The following parameters apply only to the installation packages AcronisAgentWindows.msi, AcronisBootableComponentsMediaBuilder.msi, AcronisAgentESX.msi, AcronisAgentHyperV.msi, AcronisUniversalRestore.msi (except the /online_backup and /advanced_online_backup parameters), and AcronisDeduplication.msi (except the /online_backup and /advanced_online_backup parameters).

/serial <License key>

Specifies the license key to use when installing the component. A license key is a sequence of letters and numerals separated by dashes. Enter the license key exactly, including the dashes.

/old_serial <ABR10 license key>

When upgrading from Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 (ABR10), specifies the license key for that product. Use this parameter with the /serial parameter.

If the license keys are stored on a license server, use the /license_server parameter instead.

/license_server <License server>

Specifies the name or IP address of the machine where the license server is installed.

When using this parameter, also specify the /product parameter.

/product <Edition code>

Specifies the code of your edition of Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.

The codes are the following:

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Advanced Server: AS

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Advanced Server SBS Edition: SBS

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Advanced Workstation: AW

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Virtual Edition: VE


Specifies that the component will be installed for online backup only, with local management capability. Neither license key nor license server is required.


Specifies that the component will be installed for online backup only, with local, centralized, and remote management capability. Neither license key nor license server is required.

Parameter that apply only to the management console

The following parameter applies only to the installation packages AcronisManagementConsole.msi and AcronisStandaloneManagementConsole.msi.


Specifies that the component will be installed for the current user only, rather than for all users on a machine.

Avoid using this parameter when installing the component through Group Policy, because the “current user” in such installation is typically a system account.