Virtual machine settings

The following virtual machine settings can be configured.


Default name: New virtual machine

Enter the name for the new virtual machine.


Initial setting: the default storage of the virtualization server if the new machine is created on the virtualization server. Otherwise the current user's documents folder.

This is the place where the new virtual machine will be created. Whether you can change the storage on the virtualization server or not, depends on the virtualization product brand and settings. VMware ESX may have multiple storages. A Microsoft Hyper-V server enables creating a new virtual machine in any local folder.


Initial setting: if not contained in the backup, it is the default setting of the virtualization server.

This is the amount of memory allocated to the new virtual machine. The memory adjustment range depends on the host hardware, the host operating system and the virtualization product settings. For example, virtual machines may be allowed to use no more than 30% of memory.


Initial setting: the number and size of the source machine's disks.

The number of disks is generally equal to that of the source machine. It might be different if the program has to add more disks to accommodate the source machine volumes because of limitations set by the virtualization product. You can add virtual disks to the machine configuration or, in some cases, delete the proposed disks.

When adding a new virtual disk, along with interface and capacity, you can specify its format.

The default setting is thick format if a physical machine was backed up. When recovering from a virtual machine backup, the software tries to reproduce the format of the original machine's disks. If this is not possible, thick format is used.

Implementation of Xen machines is based on Microsoft Virtual PC and inherits its limitations: up to 3 IDE disks and 1 processor. SCSI disks are not supported.


Initial setting: if not contained in the backup or if the backed up setting is not supported by the virtualization server, it is the default server's setting.

This is the number of processors of the new virtual machine. In most cases, it is set to one. The result of assignment of more than one processor to the machine is not guaranteed. The number of virtual processors may be limited by the host CPU configuration, the virtualization product and the guest operating system. Multiple virtual processors are generally available on multi-processor hosts. A multicore host CPU or hyperthreading may enable multiple virtual processors on a single-processor host.