Selection rules for files and folders

Define file selection rules, according to which the files and (or) folders will be backed up on the machines included in the centralized backup plan.

To define file selection rules

  1. Select the rule from the drop-down list (or type it manually) and click Add rule. The program remembers the rules typed manually, and the next time you open the window, these rules will be available for selection in the list along with the default ones.
  2. In the right part of the window, select the check boxes next to the machines or groups you want to apply the rules to.


Full path

Point to the folders and files to be backed up. If you specified a path to a file or folder explicitly, the plan will back up this item on each machine where this exact path will be found.

To include

In the Files and folders column, type or select:

File Text.doc in folder D:\Work


Folder C:\Windows


Environment variables

Some environment variables point to Windows folders. Using such variables instead of full folder and file paths ensures that proper Windows folders are backed up regardless of where Windows is located on a particular machine.

To include

In the Files and folders column, type or select


Program Files folder


Points to the Program Files folder (for example, C:\Program Files)

Windows folder


Points to the folder where Windows is located (for example, C:\Windows)

Common data for all user profiles


Points to the folder where the common data of all user profiles is located (typically, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users in Windows XP and C:\ProgramData in Windows Vista)

You can use other environment variables or a combination of environment variables and text. For example, to refer to the Acronis folder in the machines' Program Files folder, type: %PROGRAMFILES%\Acronis


Templates are similar to environment variables, but are already pre-customized.

To include

In the Files and folders column, type or select:


All files on all volumes on a machine

[All Files]

Points to all files on all volumes of the machine.

All user profiles existing on a machine

[All Profiles Folder]

Points to the folder where all user profiles are located (typically, C:\Documents and Settings in Windows XP, and C:\Users in Windows Vista).


To include

In the Files and folders column, type or select:

Text file file.txt on the volume /dev/hda3 mounted on /home/usr/docs




Home directory of the common users


The root user's home directory


Directory for all user-related programs


Directory for system configuration files
