Tape management database

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 stores information about all tape devices attached to a machine in the tape management database. The default database path is %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\ARSM\Database.

The database size depends on the number of archives stored on tapes and equals approximately 10 MB per hundred archives. The database may be large if the tape library contains thousands of archives. In this case, you may want to store the tape database on a different volume.

To relocate the database:

  1. Stop the Acronis Removable Storage Management service.
  2. Move all files from the default location to the new location.
  3. Add the registry key described below. Specify the new location path in the registry value TapesDatabasePath.

    Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acronis\ARSM\Settings

    Registry value: TapesDatabasePath

    Possible data values: Any string 0 to 32765 characters long.

    Description: Specifies the folder where the tape management database is stored.

  4. Start the Acronis Removable Storage Management service.