Exporting archives and backups

The export operation creates a copy of an archive or a self-sufficient part copy of an archive in the location you specify. The original archive remains untouched.

The export operation can be applied to:

Usage scenarios

The resulting archive's name

The resulting archive's options

Source and destination locations

Operations with an export task

Different ways to create an export task

To export an archive or a backup perform the following steps.

What to export


Select the type of objects to export:

Archive - in this case, you need to specify the archive only.

Backups - you need to specify the archive first, and then select the desired backup(s) in this archive.


Select the Archive or the Backups.

Show access credentials

[Optional] Provide credentials for accessing the source if the task account does not have enough privileges to access it.

Where to export


Specify the path to the location where the new archive will be created.

Be sure to provide a distinct name and comment for the new archive.

Show access credentials

[Optional] Provide credentials for the destination if the task credentials do not have enough privileges to access it.

After you have performed all the required steps, click OK to start the export task.

As a result, the program shows the Execution state of the task in the Backup plans and tasks view. When the task ends the Task Information window shows the final state of the task execution.