Configuring a storage node with Acronis Administrative Template

The following are the parameters of Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Storage Node that can be set by using Acronis Administrative Template. For information on how to apply the administrative template, see How to load Acronis Administrative Template.

Parameters related to compacting

As backups are deleted from a deduplicating vault, its deduplication data store may contain unused data blocks (items) that are no longer referred to from any backup. The storage node processes the data store to delete the unused items. This operation is called compacting. Compacting is performed by the compacting task.

Every time the compacting task starts, the storage node determines whether to perform compacting. To do this, the storage node:

  1. Checks the size of the backed up data that has been deleted from the vault since the last compacting.
  2. Uses the Compacting Trigger Rough Estimation Threshold parameter to determine whether this size, relative to the size of the remaining backed up data, is significant.
  3. If so, uses the Compacting Trigger Threshold parameter to determine whether the deduplication data store contains a significant number of unused items. If so, the storage node performs compacting.

The parameters are the following.

Compacting Trigger Rough Estimation Threshold

Description: Specifies the relative size of the backed up data that remains in a deduplicating vault, below which checking for unused items is performed (see the Compacting Trigger Threshold parameter).

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 100

Default value: 90

The Compacting Trigger Rough Estimation Threshold parameter enables you to skip the check for unused items (and hence skip compacting) when the content of the vault did not change significantly.

The larger the value of this parameter, the more often the check for unused items will be performed. The value 100 means that the check will be performed each time the compacting task starts.

How it works. Assume that the parameter value is 90 and the vault has 100 GB of backed up data. It does not matter whether this data has duplicates. Then, you delete a few backups and the backed up data size becomes equal to 80 GB. In this case:

  1. The size of the deleted data is 20 GB, and the size of the remaining data is 80 GB. The ratio of the deleted to remaining data is thus 20 GB / 80 GB = 0.25, or 25 percent.
  2. The storage node calculates the relative size of the remaining data as 100 percent – 25 percent = 75 percent.
  3. Because this relative size is less than 90 percent, the storage node starts checking for unused items.

Compacting Trigger Threshold

Description: Specifies the percentage of used items in the deduplication data store below which compacting occurs.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 100

Default value: 90

Since compacting is a resource-consuming operation, it should occur only when the number of unused items is significant.

The Compacting Trigger Threshold parameter enables you to set up a balance between the extra space required to store unused items and the compacting frequency. The larger the value of this parameter, the fewer unused items are allowed in the data store, but compacting will likely be more frequent.

The check is performed only after checking the percentage of the remaining backed up data in the vault (see the Compacting Trigger Rough Estimation Threshold).

Other parameters

Log Cleanup Rules

Specifies how to clean up the storage node log.

This parameter has the following settings:

Max Size

Description: Specifies the maximum size of the storage node log folder, in kilobytes.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 2147483647

Default value: 1048576 (that is, 1 GB)

Percentage To Keep

Description: Specifies the percentage of the maximum log size to keep on cleanup.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 100

Default value: 95

Client Connection Limit

Description: Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the storage node by the agents that perform backup, recovery, or operations with archives (such as validation, replication, or cleanup).

Possible values: Any integer number between 1 and 2147483647

Default value: 10

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 agents connect to the storage node to access its managed vaults during backup, recovery, or to perform an operation with an archive. The Client Connection Limit parameter determines the maximum number of such connections that the storage node can handle simultaneously.

When this limit is reached, the storage node will use the backup queue (see the next parameter) for the agents that are awaiting connection.

See also the Fast Operation Connection Limit parameter.

Backup Queue Limit

Description: Specifies the maximum number of agents in the storage node's backup queue.

Possible values: Any integer number between 1 and 2147483647

Default value: 50

The backup queue is a list of agents that are awaiting connection to the storage node for backup, recovery, or an operation with an archive (see the previous parameter). This list also includes the agents that are currently connected to the storage node for these purposes.

If an agent tries to establish such connection when the number of agents in the backup queue is equal to the value in Backup Queue Limit, the storage node does not put the agent in the queue.

In this case, the connection of the agent to the storage node fails. The corresponding task stops with the Error status.

See also the Fast Operation Queue Limit parameter.

Fast Operation Connection Limit

Description: Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the storage node for purposes other than backup, recovery, and operations with archives.

Possible values: Any integer number between 1 and 2147483647

Default value: 10

Components of Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 may connect to the storage node for viewing the contents of a vault and for other fast operations. The Fast Operation Connection Limit parameter determines the maximum number of such connections that the storage node can handle simultaneously.

When this limit is reached, the storage node will use the queue called the fast operations queue (see the next parameter) for the components that are awaiting connection.

See also the Client Connection Limit parameter.

Fast Operation Queue Limit

Description: Specifies the maximum number of components of Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 in the fast operations queue (see the previous parameter).

Possible values: Any integer number between 1 and 2147483647

Default value: 50

The fast operations queue is a list of components that are awaiting connection for fast operations such as viewing the contents of a vault.

When the number of components in this queue is equal to the value in Fast Operation Queue Limit and another component tries to establish a connection, the storage node does not put the component in the queue. In this case, the corresponding operation fails.

See also the Backup Queue Limit parameter.

Vault Metadata Databases Path

Description: Specifies the path to the folder where vault databases, also called metadata databases, are stored.

Possible values: Any string 0 to 32765 characters long

Default value: %AllUsersProfile%\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\ASN\VaultMetadataDatabases

A vault database contains information about archives and backups stored in the vault. When you create or attach a vault, the storage node places the database for that vault to the folder determined by this parameter.

Changing this parameter does not affect the currently existing vault databases. If you want these databases to be moved to the new folder, detach the corresponding vaults and then attach them to the same storage node.

Check Hash Value On Server Side

Description: Specifies whether to check the hash values of data blocks that are sent to a deduplicating vault

Possible values: True or False

Default value: False

When sending a data block to a deduplicating vault, the agent also sends that block’s fingerprint known as the hash value.

The Check Hash Value On Server Side parameter determines whether the storage node must ensure that the hash value matches the data block. Such check puts an additional load on the storage node.

Normally, such check is not necessary. You can set this parameter to True to make the deduplication process more secure.

If the check reveals a mismatch between the data block and its hash value, the backup operation fails.

Vault Warnings and Limits

Specifies the amount of free space in a vault (both as an absolute value and as a percentage) below which a warning or error is recorded in the log.

This parameter contains the following settings:

Vault Free Space Warning Limit

Description: Specifies the amount of free space in a managed vault, in megabytes, below which a warning is recorded in the storage node's log.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 2147483647

Default value: 200

A vault's free space is the amount of free space on the medium—such as a disk volume—that stores the vault.

When the amount of free space in a vault is equal to the value in Vault Free Space Warning Limit or less, a warning is recorded in the storage node's log, indicating the vault in question. You can view storage node warnings in the Dashboard.

Vault Free Space Warning Percentage

Description: Specifies the amount of free space in a managed vault, as a percentage of its total size, below which a warning is recorded in the storage node's log.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 100

Default value: 10

The total size of a vault is the vault's free space plus the size of all archives that are contained in the vault.

For example, suppose that two vaults, Vault A and Vault B, are both stored on a disk volume. Suppose further that the size of the archives in Vault A is 20 GB and the size of the archives in Vault B is 45 GB.

If the volume has 5 GB of free space, then the total size of Vault A is 20 GB + 5 GB = 25 GB, and that of Vault B is 45 GB + 5 GB = 50 GB, regardless of the size of the volume.

The percentage of free space in a vault is the vault's free space divided by the vault's total size. In the previous example, Vault A has 5 GB / 25 GB = 20% of free space, and Vault B has 5 GB / 50 GB = 10% of free space.

When the percentage of free space in a vault is equal to the value in Vault Free Space Warning Percentage or less, a warning is recorded in the storage node's log, indicating the vault in question. You can view storage node warnings in the Dashboard.

Note: The parameters Vault Free Space Warning Limit and Vault Free Space Warning Percentage are independent of each other: a warning will be recorded every time that either of the thresholds is reached.

Vault Free Space Error Limit

Description: Specifies the amount of free space in a managed vault, in megabytes, below which an error is recorded in the storage node's log and any backup to the vault becomes prohibited.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 2147483647

Default value: 50

When the amount of free space in a vault is equal to the value in Vault Free Space Error Limit or less, an error is recorded in the storage node's log. Backups performed to the vault will keep failing until the vault's free space is above the limit.

Vault Database Free Space Warning Limit

Description: Specifies the amount of free space, in megabytes, on the volume containing a managed vault's database, below which a warning is recorded in the storage node's log.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 2147483647

Default value: 20

If the amount of free space on the volume containing a managed vault's database is less than the value in Vault Database Free Space Warning Limit, a warning is recorded in the storage node's log, indicating the vault in question. You can view storage node warnings in the Dashboard.

The database is stored on the storage node in a local folder whose name is specified by the by the Vault Metadata Database Path parameter.

Vault Database FreeSpace Error Limit

Description: Specifies the amount of free space on the volume containing a managed vault's database, in megabytes, below which an error is recorded in the storage node's log and any backup to the vault becomes prohibited.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 2147483647

Default value: 10

If the amount of free space on the disk containing a managed vault's database is less than the value of Vault Database Free Space Error Limit, an error is recorded in the storage node's log. Backups performed to the vault will keep failing until the amount of free space is above the limit.

You can view storage node errors in the Dashboard.

The database is stored on the storage node in a local folder whose name is specified by the Vault Metadata Database Path parameter.