Retention rules for the Custom scheme

In the Retention Rules window, you can select how long to store backups in the location and whether to move or delete them afterward.

The rules will be applied to all the backups taken on the specific machine and put in this specific location by this specific backup plan. In Acronis Backup & Recovery 11, such set of backups is called an archive.

To set up retention rules for backups:

  1. Specify one of the following (options (a) and (b) are mutually exclusive):
    1. Backups older than... and/or Archive size greater than....

      A backup will be stored until the specified condition (or both of the conditions) are met.


      Backups older than 5 days

      Archive size greater than 100 GB

      With these settings, a backup will be stored until it is older than five days and the size of the archive containing it exceeds 100 GB.

    2. Number of backups in the archive exceeds...

      If the number of backups exceeds the specified value, one or more of the oldest backups will be moved or deleted. The minimal setting is 1.

  2. Select whether to delete the backups or to move them to another location if the specified conditions are met.

    You will be able to specify the location where to move the backups and set up retention rules for that location after you click OK.

Deleting the last backup in the archive

The retention rules are effective if the archive contains more than one backup. This means that the last backup in the archive will be kept, even if a retention rule violation is detected. Please do not try to delete the only backup you have by applying the retention rules before backup. This will not work. Use the alternative setting Clean up archive > When there is insufficient space while backing up if you accept the risk of losing the last backup.

Deleting or moving backups with dependencies