Creating a pool

To create a pool:

  1. In the Navigation tree, click Tape management. If connected to the management server, select the storage node to which your tape device is attached.
  2. Click New pool.
  3. Specify the pool name.
  4. [Optional] Select tapes to be moved to the pool from the Free tapes pool.
  5. [Optional] Clear the Take tapes from the Free tapes pool automatically... check box. If cleared, only tapes that are included into the new pool at a certain moment will be used for backing up.
  6. [Optional] Select the After ... rewritings, move tape to pool check box, specify the number of information writing cycles, and then select the pool to which a tape will be moved after that.

    Tip. Tapes have relatively short durability. So, you can create a special pool and move old tapes to it. Then, you regularly eject tapes stored in this pool, get rid of them and load new tapes into your tape device.

  7. [Optional] Select the After ... backups, move tape to pool check box, specify the number of backups, and then select the pool to which a tape will be moved after that.

    Tip. For example, this option can be useful in the following case. You back up your machine once a day from Monday till Friday and move the tape(s) after five backups to a custom pool. Once a week special employees eject the tapes from this pool and take them to a secure off-site location.

  8. [Optional] Select the When tape is full, move to pool check box, and then select the pool to which a tape will be moved when it is full.

    Tip. For example, this option can be useful for separating filled tapes from tapes being written to.

  9. Click OK.