Export and import of backup plans

The export operation creates a file with complete configuration of the backup plan. You can import the file to reuse the exported backup plan on another machine.

Centralized backup plans can be exported from a management server and imported to a management server only.

You can edit plans in the Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 graphical user interface when importing them or after. Backup plans are exported to .xml files, so you can edit the export files of backup plans with text editors. Passwords are encrypted in the export files.

Usage examples

Adjusting credentials

A scheduled plan contains credentials of the user account under which the plan's tasks run. The plan will not start on a machine where a user account with identical credentials does not exist. To avoid this situation, do one of the following:

When creating a backup plan with manual start, do not change the Run under the current user setting in Plan parameters > Show task credentials, comments, label. With this setting, the plan's tasks will always run under the account of the user who starts them.

Steps to perform

To export a backup plan

  1. Select a backup plan in the Backup plans and tasks view.
  2. Click Export.
  3. Specify the path and name of the export file.
  4. Confirm your choice.

To import a backup plan

  1. Click Import in the Backup plans and tasks view.
  2. Specify the path and name of the export file.
  3. Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 will show the Edit backup plan page. In most cases, you need to update the plan's credentials and the access credentials to the backup destination. Make the necessary changes and click Save. Otherwise, click Cancel, and the plan will be imported as is.