Vaults on tapes

Each tape-based vault is associated with one or several drives of a tape device and with a tape pool.

Why do I need several vaults?

Two of the most common scenarios that require you to create several vaults are as follows:

In either case, create a separate custom pool for each tape set and associate a separate vault with it.

Personal tape-based vaults

Before backing up a machine to a directly attached tape device, you can create a personal vault. If you do not want to, the software will automatically create a personal vault associated with the Acronis pool.

If you create more than one personal vault, tapes with backups will be placed in the respective pools specified in the vaults' settings. However, each vault will show all the backups located in all of the vaults.

To create a personal vault:

  1. In the Navigation tree, click Vaults.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Proceed as described in the "Creating a personal vault" section.

Managed centralized tape-based vaults

To back up a machine to a tape device attached to a storage node, you need to create a managed centralized vault on the tape device.

To create a managed centralized vault:

  1. In the Navigation tree, click Storage nodes.
  2. Select the required storage node, and then click Create vault.
  3. Proceed as described in the "Creating a managed centralized vault" section.

Tip. If you back up multiple machines to a tape library with multiple drives, associate the vault with the whole library. This will allow you to back up the machines simultaneously via different drives. If you associate a vault or several vaults with one drive, backups will be queued.