Changing the port for the Web page

By default, the Web page is available through port 8080. If another Web server already uses this port, you will need to specify a different port.

The port number is shown on the summary screen when you install the management server. To be able to change the port number, select the I want to manually select the Acronis components… check box in the machine role selection window. Then, specify the port in the corresponding window.

If the management server is already installed, you can change the port number by reconfiguring the Web server, as follows:

  1. Open the httpd.conf file, which is located in the following folder:
  2. Change the value of the Listen setting to the desired port number. For example, the setting Listen 8888 means using port 8888 for the Web page.
  3. Restart the service of the Web server. You can do this in either of these ways: