

The parameter is used with the recover file command. Recover with full paths to files and folders. If not specified, full paths are not used.


You backed up folder My folder located at C:\My data\Dir1, and now you recover it from the latest backup to D:\Sample\Dir2.

recover file --loc=E:\my_backups --archive=my_archive --file="My folder" --target=D:\Sample\Dir2

The --recover_absolute_path parameter is not specified. The recovered folder will be located at D:\Sample\Dir2\My folder.

recover file --loc=E:\my_backups --archive=my_archive --file="My folder" --target=D:\Sample\Dir2 --recover_absolute_path

The --recover_absolute_path parameter is specified. The recovered folder will be located at D:\Sample\Dir2\C\My data\Dir1\My folder.