
Commands: backup disk and backup vm

--volume=<volume numbers>

The parameter is used with the backup disk and backup vm commands to specify volumes to be backed up.

Volume numbers are specified as in the following format: <disk number>-<volume number>, for example:


Dynamic volumes are specified with the DYN prefix or by their GUIDs, for example:


Both basic and dynamic volumes can be specified by their letters, for example:


Mixed notation is also acceptable, for example:


To view available disks, volumes and GUIDs of volumes, use the list disks command.

You can use the --disk and --volume parameters in one command, for example:

--disk=1 --volume=E

Commands: recover disk, recover vm, mount

--volume=<volume number>

The volume with which the operation is to be performed. The parameter is used with the recover disk, recover vm, mount commands.

Selecting a dynamic volume for recovery

The software considers all dynamic volumes of a backup as belonging to a separate disk. To learn the correspondence between the dynamic volumes you backed up and the numbers assigned to these volumes by the software, run the list content command without specifying the --content_path parameter.

For example, if you backed up volumes 1-2 (the second volume of the first disk), 2-1 (the first volume of the second disk) and DYN1 (the first dynamic volume), the software considers the latter as the first volume of the third disk. So, when you recover the dynamic volume, you should specify --volume=3-1.

Command: create asz

--volume={<volume numbers>|all}

Volumes from which the free space for Acronis Secure Zone will be taken. The parameter is used with the create asz command. If not specified, Acronis Secure Zone will use the unallocated space only. If --volume=all is specified, the free space will be taken from all volumes of the specified disk.

Command: delete asz

--volume=<volume numbers>

Volumes to which the free space will be added after the Acronis Secure Zone deletion. The parameter is used with the delete asz command. The space will be distributed in proportion to each volume's size. Without this parameter, the freed space becomes unallocated.