Installation in the unattended mode

To install a component in the unattended mode (without asking for confirmations), run the component’s installation file with the -a command-line parameter. You may need to use other parameters to specify how to perform the installation.

The following are two examples of unattended installation. Both examples assume that the name of the installation file is ABR11AgentLinux.i686.

Example 1: Unattended installation with a license key. This example applies to all editions of Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.

The following command installs Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Agent for Linux in the unattended mode (without asking for confirmations) and uses the license key 12345-67890-ABCDE:

./ABR11AgentLinux.i686 -a -i BackupAndRecoveryAgent -l 12345-67890-ABCDE

Example 2: Unattended installation with a license server. This example applies only to advanced editions of Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.

The following command:

./ABR11AgentLinux.i686 -a -i BackupAndRecoveryAgent -L licensesrv -P AS -C managementsrv -g srvadmin -w PassWd123