Using the Setup wizard

After installing the software and running the configuration utility to setup network ports and SSL certificates, the administrator now needs to configure the Acronis Access server. The Setup Wizard takes the administrator through a series of steps to get the basic functionality of the server working.

Note: If you are upgrading from activEcho or mobilEcho, please read the Upgrading section before continuing.

Note: After the configuration utility has run, it will take 30-45 seconds for the server to come up the first time.

Navigate to the Acronis Access's web interface using the IP address and port specified in the configuration utility. You will be prompted to set the password for the default administrator account.

Note: Administrators can be configured later on, for more information visit the Server Administration section.

This wizard helps you setup the core settings for the functionality of your product.

SetupWizard_Main Window

All of the settings you see in the Initial Configuration page will also be available after you complete it. For more information on any of the settings, please visit the Server Administration articles.

Going through the initial configuration process


SetupWizard_Licensing aE

To start a trial:

  1. Select Start Trial and press Continue.

To license your Access Server:

  1. Select Enter license keys.
  2. Enter your license key and mark the checkbox.
  3. Press Save.

General Settings


  1. Enter a Server Name.
  2. Specify the root DNS name or IP address where users can access the website (starting with http:// or https://).
  3. Specify the DNS name or IP address to which the mobile users will enroll to.
  4. Select a Color Scheme. Current options are Gray, Purple, Cappucino, Blue, Dark Blue and Orange.
  5. Select the default language for the Audit Log. The current options are English, German, French and Japanese.
  6. Press Save.


SetupWizard_SMTP settings

Note: You can skip this section, and configure SMTP later.

  1. Enter the DNS name or IP address of your SMTP server
  2. Enter the SMTP port of your server.
  3. If you do not use certificates for your SMTP server, unmark Use secure connection?.
  4. Enter the name which will appear in the "From" line in emails sent by the server.
  5. Enter the address which will send the emails sent by the server.
  6. If you use username/password authentication for your SMTP server, mark Use SMTP authentication? and enter your credentials.
  7. Press Send Test Email to send a test email to the email address you set on step 5.
  8. Press Save.


SetupWizard_LDAP settings

Note: You can skip this section, and configure LDAP later.

  1. Mark Enable LDAP.
  2. Enter the DNS name or IP address of your LDAP server.
  3. Enter the port of your LDAP server.
  4. If you use a certificate for connections with your LDAP server, mark Use Secure LDAP Connection.
  5. Enter your LDAP credentials, with the domain. (e.g. acronis\hristo).
  6. Enter your LDAP search base.
  7. Enter the desired domain(s) for LDAP authentication. ( enable LDAP authentication for an account with the email, you would enter
  8. Press Save.

Local Gateway Server

SetupWizard Local Gateway

Note: If you're installing both a Gateway Server and the Acronis Access Server on the same machine, the Gateway Server will automatically be detected and administered by the Acronis Access Server. You will be prompted to set the DNS name or IP address on which the Local Gateway Server will be reachable by clients. You can change this address later on.

  1. Set a DNS name or IP address for the local Gateway Server.
  2. Press Save.

File Repository

  1. Select a file store type. Use Filesystem for a file store on your computers or Amazon S3 for a file store in the cloud.
  2. Enter the DNS name or IP address for the file repository service.

    Note: The Acronis Access Configuration utility is used to set the file repository address, port and file store location. The File Store Repository Endpoint setting must match the settings in the File Repository tab of the Configuration Utility. To view or modify these settings, run AcronisAccessConfiguration.exe, typically located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\Configuration Utility\ on the endpoint server.

  3. Select an encryption level. Choose between None, AES-128 and AES-256.
  4. Select the minimum free space available before your server sends you a warning.
  5. Press Save.