Backing up and Restoring Acronis Access

In case you need to upgrade, update or maintain your Acronis Access server. This article will give you the basics of backing up your database and restoring it.

Backing up your databases

Backing up your Acronis Access's database

The following method creates an *.sql file containing a text representation of the source database.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the 9.2\bin folder located in the PostgreSQL installation directory.
    e.g. cd "C:\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin"
  2. Once your current Command Prompt directory is the bin folder, enter the following line:

    pg_dump -U postgres -f mybackup.sql acronisaccess_production
    where mybackup.sql is the desired file name for the produced backup file. It can include a full path to the location where you want the backup file to be created, for instance: D:\Backups\mybackup.sql

    Note: acronisaccess_production must be entered exactly as shown as it is the name of the Acronis Access database

  3. A "Password: " line appears. Enter the postgres password that you set during the Acronis Access installation process.

    Note: Typing the password will not result in any visual changes in the Command Prompt window.

  4. Your backup file will appear in the bin folder by default unless the output file specification contains a full path to a different directory.

Note: If you want to backup the entire PostgreSQL database set you can use the following command:

pg_dumpall -U postgres > alldbs.sql

Where alldbs.sql will be the generated backup file. It can include a full path specification, for instance D:\Backups\alldbs.sql

For full syntax on this command see:

Info: For more information on PostgreSQL backup procedures and command syntax please read this:

Backing up your Gateway Server's database

  1. Go to the server on which you have your Acronis Access Gateway Server installed.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the database.

    Note: The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\Access\Gateway Server\database

  3. Copy the mobilEcho.sqlite3 file and paste it in a safe location.

Restoring Acronis Access

Restoring your Acronis Access's database

The database restore process is similar to the backup process.

  1. Prior to executing the command to restore your database, make sure the source backup file is located in a directory or location where it can be accessed by the logged in user.
  2. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the 9.2\bin folder located in the PostgreSQL installation directory.
    cd "C:\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin"

    Note: This directory may be different if you installed PostgreSQL in a custom location.

  3. Enter the following line:
    createdb -U postgres acronisaccess_production

    A "password for user postgres: " message may appear. If that happens, enter the postgres password that you set during the Acronis Access installation process.
    acronisaccess_production must be entered exactly as shown. This is the Acronis Access database name.

    Note: If the acronisaccess_production database already exists, and error will be returned. Just ignore it and continue with the next step.

  4. Enter the following line:
    psql -U postgres -d acronisaccess_production -W -f mybackup.sql

    by replacing mybackup.sql with the fully qualified name of the backup file, for instance: D:\Backups\mybackup.sql
    acronisaccess_production must be entered exactly as shown. This is the Acronis Access database name.
    A "password for user postgres:" message may appear. If that happens, enter the postgres password that you set during the Acronis Access installation process.

Note: Typing the password will not result in any visual changes in the Command Prompt window.

Info: For full psql command syntax, please visit

Restoring your Gateway Server's database

  1. Copy the mobilEcho.sqlite3 file you have backed up.
  2. Go to the server on which you have your Acronis Access Gateway Server installed.
  3. Navigate to the folder containing the database and paste the mobilEcho.sqlite3 file.

    Note: The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\Access\Gateway Server\database

  4. Restart the Acronis Access Gateway Server service.