The role of AI in email security enhancement

Table of contents
Why is Artificial Intelligence important in email security?
The biggest email security challenges for MSPs
The basics of AI and its application in email security
Advancements in email security AI for threat detection
How to leverage artificial intelligence in email security for fraud prevention?
Integrating email security AI into MSP service offerings
How does AI optimize email filtering?
AI-powered email security analytics and reporting for MSPs
Successfully implementing AI in email security
Best practices for MSPs using AI in email security
The future: AI's evolving role in cybersecurity
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
for Service Providers

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in email security has emerged as a game-changer for managed service providers looking to protect their clients against cyber threats. With email being one of the primary vectors for cyberattacks, the integration of AI technologies brings enhanced capabilities to detect, analyze and mitigate these threats in real-time.

This article examines the transformative impact of AI on email security systems, shedding light on how MSPs can leverage these advancements to enhance their defenses, safeguard client data and stay ahead of evolving cyber risks.

Why is Artificial Intelligence important in email security?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in email security due to its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns that human operators might miss. This technology enables email security systems to detect and respond to threats in real-time, significantly reducing the window of vulnerability for organizations.

AI algorithms continuously learn from new data and evolving threat landscapes, allowing them to adapt and evolve alongside emerging cyber threats. By leveraging AI, email security solutions can proactively identify and mitigate sophisticated attacks such as phishing, malware and ransomware, thereby strengthening overall cybersecurity posture. Additionally, AI-powered email security solutions help alleviate the burden on human security teams, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks while automated systems handle routine threat detection and response.

Ultimately, the integration of AI in email security is essential for MSPs and organizations to stay ahead of cyber adversaries and effectively protect sensitive data and resources.

The biggest email security challenges for MSPs

Every day, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) face a multitude of email security challenges, some of the most significant being:

Phishing attacks: Phishing remains a pervasive threat, with cybercriminals constantly evolving their tactics to deceive users and gain access to sensitive information. MSPs must contend with phishing emails that spoof legitimate entities, tricking users into divulging credentials or clicking on malicious links.

Ransomware: Ransomware attacks via email pose a severe threat to both MSPs and their clients. Malicious attachments or links in emails can deliver ransomware payloads, encrypting data and demanding payment for decryption keys. Recovering from such attacks can be complex and costly for MSPs and their clients.

Business Email Compromise (BEC): BEC attacks involve impersonating trusted individuals within an organization to trick employees into transferring funds or sensitive information. These attacks often exploit compromised email accounts or employ social engineering tactics to bypass traditional security measures.

Data loss and leakage: Email remains a primary channel for sharing sensitive information within organizations. However, accidental data leakage or intentional exfiltration via email poses significant risks. MSPs must implement robust email security measures to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and mitigate the impact of data breaches.

Compliance requirements: Many industries are subject to stringent regulatory requirements regarding data protection and privacy. MSPs must ensure that their email security practices align with regulatory standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS to avoid penalties and maintain client trust.

Insider threats: Insider threats, whether malicious or unintentional, can compromise email security. Employees with access to sensitive information may inadvertently leak data or fall victim to social engineering attacks. Additionally, disgruntled employees or malicious insiders may intentionally exfiltrate data or sabotage systems through email channels.

Shadow IT and BYOD: The proliferation of shadow IT and the use of personal devices for work purposes (BYOD - Bring Your Own Device) introduce additional email security challenges. MSPs must implement strategies to monitor and secure email communications across diverse endpoints while maintaining productivity and flexibility for end-users.

Addressing these email security challenges requires MSPs to adopt a multi-layered approach, combining advanced email security solutions, user awareness training, robust access controls, and proactive threat monitoring and response capabilities.

The basics of AI and its application in email security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses a range of technologies that enable machines to simulate human-like intelligence, including learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. In the context of email security, AI plays a critical role in augmenting traditional security measures by enhancing threat detection, response, and mitigation capabilities. Here are some basics of AI and its applications in email security:

  • Machine Learning (ML): Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses on developing algorithms capable of learning from data and making predictions or decisions without explicit programming. In email security, ML algorithms analyze vast amounts of email data to identify patterns indicative of malicious activity, such as phishing attempts, malware distribution, or suspicious behavior.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Natural language processing enables machines to understand and interpret human language. In email security, NLP algorithms analyze the content of emails to detect phishing attempts, spam, or other malicious communications. NLP can identify phishing emails by analyzing text for suspicious keywords, grammar inconsistencies, or unusual language patterns.
  • Anomaly detection: AI-powered anomaly detection techniques analyze email traffic and user behavior to identify deviations from normal patterns. Anomalies may indicate potential security threats, such as unauthorized access attempts, unusual email forwarding activity, or abnormal login locations. AI algorithms can flag these anomalies for further investigation or automatically trigger security controls to mitigate risks.  
  • Email filtering and classification: AI-based email filtering systems categorize incoming emails based on their content, sender reputation, and other attributes to prioritize legitimate messages and filter out spam or malicious emails. These systems leverage ML algorithms to continuously learn from user feedback and adapt to evolving email threats, improving accuracy and reducing false positives.
  • Predictive analysis: AI enables predictive analysis of email security threats by analyzing historical data and identifying trends or patterns indicative of future attacks. Predictive analytics can help MSPs and organizations anticipate and preemptively mitigate emerging email security threats before they escalate into full-blown incidents.  
  • Automated response: AI-driven email security solutions can automate response actions to detected threats, such as quarantining malicious emails, blocking suspicious attachments, or alerting security teams for further investigation. Automated response capabilities help minimize response times, reduce manual intervention, and mitigate the impact of email-based attacks.  

Advancements in email security AI for threat detection

Advancements in email security AI have brought about significant improvements in threat detection, enabling Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to better protect their clients' email environments from evolving cyber threats. Here are some key advancements in AI-driven threat detection for email security and the tools MSPs can leverage:

  • Enhanced phishing detection: AI-powered email security solutions have become more adept at identifying sophisticated phishing attempts by analyzing email content, sender behavior, and contextual information. Advanced detection algorithms can recognize subtle indicators of phishing, helping MSPs preemptively block malicious emails before they reach end-users. Barracuda Sentinel is one AI-driven email security solution that utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze email content, sender behavior, and contextual information.
  • Behavioral analysis: AI-driven tools employ behavioral analysis techniques to monitor user interactions with email and detect anomalous behavior indicative of potential security threats. By establishing baseline behavior patterns for individual users or groups, these tools can identify deviations, such as unusual login locations, atypical email forwarding activity, or suspicious attachment downloads, and flag them for further investigation.
  • Real-time threat intelligence: AI-powered email security platforms leverage real-time threat intelligence feeds to stay abreast of the latest email-based threats and attack vectors. By integrating threat intelligence data from multiple sources and correlating it with internal telemetry data, these tools can proactively identify emerging threats and apply adaptive security controls to mitigate risks in real-time. Proofpoint Email Protection is an example which integrates real-time threat intelligence feeds to proactively identify and block emerging email-based threats  
  • Automated incident response: AI-driven email security solutions streamline incident response processes by automating the detection, analysis, and remediation of email-based threats. These tools can automatically quarantine malicious emails, block suspicious attachments, or trigger security alerts based on predefined rules or machine learning algorithms, reducing the burden on MSPs' security teams and accelerating response times.
  • Integration with security ecosystem: Modern AI-driven email security tools are designed to seamlessly integrate with broader security ecosystems, allowing MSPs to orchestrate cohesive defense-in-depth strategies. Integration with endpoint security solutions, network firewalls, SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) platforms, and threat intelligence feeds enables MSPs to correlate email security events with broader security incidents and orchestrate synchronized response actions across multiple security layers. For example, Acronis Cyber Protect integrates seamlessly with Acronis' broader cybersecurity platform, enabling MSPs to deliver holistic protection across endpoints, servers, and cloud environments from a single unified console.  

How to leverage artificial intelligence in email security for fraud prevention?

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the fight against email fraud by using advanced algorithms to detect and prevent fraudulent activities in real-time. AI-powered email security solutions analyze various aspects of incoming emails, including content, sender behavior, and contextual information, to identify suspicious patterns indicative of fraud attempts. Machine learning algorithms are trained on large datasets of historical email data to recognize common fraud tactics such as phishing, spoofing, and impersonation scams. By continuously learning from new data and evolving fraud trends, AI can adapt its detection capabilities to stay ahead of emerging threats and accurately identify fraudulent emails before they reach end-users' inboxes.

Some notable case studies showcasing AI's success involve the implementation of security AI by a growing number of global financial institutions. By leveraging AI-powered fraud detection mechanisms, one such institution was able to significantly reduce the incidence of Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks targeting its employees and clients. The AI algorithms analyzed email communication patterns, detected anomalies indicative of BEC attempts, and automatically blocked fraudulent emails containing malicious links or requests for unauthorized transactions. As a result, the firm successfully mitigated the risk of financial losses and protected sensitive customer information from falling into the hands of cybercriminals.

Other organizations across various industries have reported similar success stories, highlighting the effectiveness of AI in combating email fraud and enhancing overall cybersecurity posture.

Integrating email security AI into MSP service offerings

Slotting an AI-driven email security solution into your MSP’s solution stack requires careful consideration to ensure seamless implementation and maximum value for your clients. Managed service providers can follow these guidelines to help integrate AI-driven email security solutions:

  1. Assessment of client needs: Begin by considering the email security needs of clients across various industries and verticals. Understand their current email security challenges, pain points, and desired outcomes.
  2. Evaluation of AI solutions: Evaluate different AI-driven email security solutions available in the market, considering factors such as detection accuracy, ease of integration, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
  3. Seamless integration: Ensure seamless integration of AI-driven email security solutions into existing MSP service portfolios and client environments. Work closely with end-users or co-managed IT teams to deploy and configure the solutions according to their unique infrastructure requirements.
  4. Customization and configuration: Customize and configure AI-enhanced email security solutions to align with the specific security policies, compliance requirements, and risk tolerance levels of each client.
  5. Continuous monitoring and optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of AI-driven email security solutions and optimize them based on real-world feedback and evolving threat landscapes.

Integrating AI-driven email security solutions into MSP service portfolios offers significant value-add for clients by enhancing their overall cybersecurity posture and differentiating MSP services in the market. Some key value propositions for clients include:

  • Advanced threat detection and prevention: AI-driven email security solutions offer advanced threat detection capabilities that can accurately identify and mitigate sophisticated email-based threats, such as phishing, BEC, and ransomware. By leveraging AI algorithms, MSPs can proactively protect clients' email environments from evolving cyber threats and minimize the risk of security breaches and data loss.
  • Improved operational efficiency: AI-driven email security solutions streamline security operations by automating threat detection, analysis, and response processes. By offloading routine security tasks to AI-powered tools, MSPs can free up valuable resources and focus on more strategic initiatives, such as proactive threat hunting, security awareness training, and compliance management.
  • Enhanced compliance and risk management: AI-driven email security solutions help clients achieve and maintain compliance with industry regulations and data protection standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS. By implementing robust email security measures, MSPs can mitigate the risk of regulatory violations, fines, and reputational damage associated with email-related security incidents.
  • Differentiation and competitive advantage: By offering AI-driven email security solutions as part of their service portfolios, MSPs can differentiate themselves from competitors and position themselves as trusted advisors for clients' cybersecurity needs. The ability to deliver cutting-edge email security solutions powered by AI technology can enhance MSPs' credibility, attract new clients, and drive business growth in a highly competitive market.

Overall, integrating AI-driven email security solutions into MSP service portfolios not only strengthens clients' defenses against email-based threats but also enhances MSPs' value proposition, market competitiveness, and revenue potential in the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape.

How does AI optimize email filtering?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) employs various techniques to improve email filtering and categorization, enhancing the accuracy of threat detection while minimizing false positives.

Some of the key techniques AI uses include:

Machine Learning (ML): ML algorithms analyze large volumes of email data to identify patterns and characteristics indicative of spam, phishing, malware, or other malicious activities. By learning from labeled examples of legitimate and malicious emails, ML models can classify incoming emails into different categories accurately. ML algorithms continuously improve over time as they encounter new data, enabling more effective email filtering and categorization.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP techniques enable artificial intelligence systems to understand and interpret the content of emails, including text, attachments, and embedded links. NLP algorithms analyze email content for language patterns, keywords, and contextual information to identify suspicious or malicious elements. By processing natural language text, NLP helps AI systems detect phishing attempts, malware-laden attachments, and other email-based threats more accurately.

Behavioral analysis: AI-driven email security solutions monitor user behavior and email interactions to identify anomalies indicative of potential security threats. By establishing baseline behavior profiles for individual users or groups, AI systems can detect deviations from normal patterns, such as unusual login locations, atypical email forwarding activity, or suspicious attachment downloads. Behavioral analysis helps AI algorithms identify potentially malicious emails that may evade traditional signature-based detection methods.

Real-time threat intelligence: AI-powered email security solutions integrate real-time threat intelligence feeds to stay abreast of the latest email-based threats and attack tactics. By correlating external threat data with internal telemetry, AI systems can proactively identify emerging threats and apply adaptive security controls to mitigate risks in real-time. Real-time threat intelligence enables AI algorithms to recognize and categorize new types of threats more accurately, enhancing email filtering and categorization capabilities.

Accuracy and reducing false positives

The impact of email security AI on reducing false positives and improving threat detection accuracy is significant. AI-powered email security solutions leverage advanced techniques such as machine learning and behavioral analysis to enhance the accuracy of threat detection while minimizing false positives. By continuously learning from new data and adapting to evolving threat landscapes, AI algorithms can identify and categorize email-based threats more accurately, leading to more effective filtering. This reduces the likelihood of legitimate emails being mistakenly classified as threats (false positives) and helps organizations prioritize their response to genuine security incidents.

AI-powered email security analytics and reporting for MSPs

AI enhances security analytics, reporting capabilities, and response times for MSPs by leveraging advanced algorithms to analyze vast amounts of security data in real-time. The tool can then help automate incident detection and response workflows, while providing actionable insights for proactive threat mitigation.

By employing machine learning and behavioral analysis techniques, AI-driven security analytics platforms can detect emerging threats, prioritize security incidents, and generate comprehensive reports and visualizations that highlight key security metrics and trends.

Additionally, AI-powered automation streamlines incident response processes, enabling MSPs to respond to security events promptly and effectively, minimizing the impact on clients' environments. Utilizing AI for better decision-making and security posture assessments for clients involves leveraging AI-driven analytics to assess security risks, prioritize remediation efforts, and provide actionable recommendations for improving security posture.

AI-powered threat intelligence feeds and trend analysis enable MSPs to anticipate security threats, proactively defend against cyberattacks, and develop tailored security strategies that align with clients' business objectives, ultimately enhancing clients' security defenses and reducing risk exposure.

Successfully implementing AI in email security

Several MSPs have improved their email security offerings by integrating AI-driven solutions, resulting in tangible benefits and outcomes for both the MSPs and their clients:


Netsurion, a managed security service provider, enhanced its email security offerings by integrating AI-driven threat detection capabilities. By leveraging AI algorithms to analyze email content, sender behavior, and attachment characteristics, Netsurion improved its ability to detect and block sophisticated email threats, such as phishing, malware, and BEC attacks. This resulted in reduced security incidents, improved threat detection accuracy, and enhanced overall cybersecurity posture for Netsurion's clients.

RedShift Networks

RedShift Networks, an MSP specializing in cybersecurity solutions, implemented email security AI to bolster its email threat detection and response capabilities. By utilizing machine learning algorithms to analyze email traffic patterns and identify anomalies indicative of potential security threats, RedShift Networks improved its ability to detect and mitigate email-based attacks in real-time. As a result, RedShift Networks' clients experienced fewer security incidents, reduced false positives, and enhanced protection against email-borne threats.

The adoption of AI-driven email security tools offers several benefits and outcomes for MSPs and their clients, including:

  • Improved threat detection accuracy: AI-powered email security tools leverage advanced algorithms to analyze email traffic and identify patterns indicative of malicious activity more accurately than traditional security solutions.
  • Enhanced real-time threat response: AI-driven email security tools enable MSPs to respond to email-based threats in real-time, automatically quarantining malicious emails, blocking suspicious attachments, and alerting security teams for further investigation.
  • Proactive threat intelligence: AI-powered email security tools provide MSPs with proactive threat intelligence feeds and trend analysis, enabling them to anticipate emerging threats and proactively defend against cyberattacks.
  • Streamlined security operations: AI-driven email security tools automate routine security tasks, such as threat detection, analysis, and response, freeing up MSP resources to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Best practices for MSPs using AI in email security

Implementing and managing AI email security solutions requires adherence to best practices to ensure optimal performance and maximize the benefits for MSP teams and clients. Here are seven best practices to consider:

  1. Thorough assessment and planning: Conduct a thorough assessment of the organization's email security needs, infrastructure, and operational requirements before implementing AI email security solutions. Develop a comprehensive implementation plan that includes defining goals, establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), and identifying integration points with existing security tools and processes.
  2. Selecting the right solution: Choose AI email security solutions that align with the organization's specific requirements, such as detection accuracy, scalability, ease of integration, and cost-effectiveness. Evaluate multiple vendors and solutions to find the best fit for the organization's needs and objectives.
  3. Robust training and education: Provide comprehensive training and education to MSP teams and clients on the new AI email security tools. Offer training sessions, workshops, and documentation to familiarize users with the features, capabilities, and best practices for using the AI tools effectively. Encourage continuous learning and skill development to ensure that MSP teams and clients stay informed about the latest advancements and techniques in AI email security.
  4. Continuous monitoring and optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of AI email security solutions and optimize them based on real-world feedback, evolving threat landscapes, and changing business requirements. Regularly review and update AI models, threat intelligence feeds, and security policies to adapt to emerging threats and ensure ongoing protection against email-based attacks.
  5. Collaboration and communication: Foster collaboration and communication between MSP teams, clients, and vendors to facilitate smooth implementation and management of AI email security solutions. Establish clear lines of communication, escalation procedures, and feedback mechanisms to address issues, share best practices, and drive continuous improvement.
  6. Compliance and regulatory considerations: Ensure that AI email security solutions comply with relevant industry regulations and data protection standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS. Implement security controls and processes to safeguard sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  7. Regular assessment and review: Conduct regular assessments and reviews of AI email security solutions to evaluate their effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and address any gaps or vulnerabilities. Solicit feedback from MSP teams and clients to gather insights and recommendations for enhancing the performance and usability of the AI tools.

The future: AI's evolving role in cybersecurity

Something is always just around the corner with AI. What can MSPs expect in the near future of AI-powered cybersecurity?

Explainable AI: As AI becomes more pervasive in email security, there will be a growing demand for explainable AI algorithms that can provide transparent insights into decision-making processes, enabling MSPs to better understand and trust AI-driven security solutions.

Edge AI: Edge computing and AI will converge to bring AI-powered email security capabilities closer to the source of data generation, enabling real-time threat detection and response at the network edge, thereby reducing latency and improving overall security posture.

Autonomous security operations: AI-driven automation and orchestration will enable MSPs to build autonomous security operations centers (SOCs) that can automatically detect, analyze, and respond to email threats without human intervention, allowing MSP teams to focus on higher-value tasks and strategic initiatives.

Summing it up

The trajectory of AI in email security presents unprecedented opportunities for IT providers to bolster their defenses against evolving cyber threats. As AI continues to refine threat detection, enhance user authentication, and enable proactive security measures, MSPs stand to benefit from a more robust and resilient email security landscape.

By embracing AI-driven solutions and staying abreast of upcoming trends such as explainable AI and edge computing, MSPs can position themselves at the forefront of innovation, ensuring the protection of their clients' sensitive information against ever-changing threats.

Through strategic implementation and continuous adaptation, managed service providers can harness the power

Allison Ho
Content Marketing Creator, Cybersecurity
Allison Ho is Content Marketing Creator at Acronis. She develops content on cybersecurity, data protection, artificial intelligence and endpoint management while closely collaborating with thought leaders. Her technology B2B marketing experience includes expertise in SEO.

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A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.